The mystique of Detroit is how abandoned our city appears for a place with so many creative people. Our streets are empty mid-day. Our suburbs have attractions that rival downtown. We have SUBurban sprawl. The creativity of our youth in the city screams to be heard.
The Abandoned In Detroit project is a fashion showcase for designers and related talent. Inspire people to see what Detroit creates!
April 23, 2011 may seem a long way from now with this blog being post in November 2010. It's been a couple months since the August 22, 2010 photoshoot.
New Project Members
One of the reasons for this post is to provide everyone interested with PLENTY of advance notice to plan for the event financially. The project has had a project entrance fee in place for over four years. Members of the project are welcome to come back at any point in time and shoot further to refresh their portfolio and presence with the project.
Online Presence For Project
Here are a list of online sources for information about the project.
Fashion designers/stylists, models, makeup, hair, photographers - we are holding another group shoot for the project.
Date: August 22, 2010 Time: 11am - 6pm Gathering location: Red Door Studio, 7500 Oakland St, Detroit MI 48211 Contact phone: Stephen @ 248-632-6156 Contact email:
What to bring:
* Everyone - bottle of water, closed foot walking shoes, flashlight, light snack
* Photographers - extra batteries, extra memory/film, portable power-free lighting, reflector/bounce board
* Models - basic makeup, underwear in neutral color & minimal under garment lines, no heavy bras as they create lines, variety of shoes in black, tan, and colors, include casual shoes & dress shoes, white athletic t-shirt, jeans, jean or black shorts, small selection of jewelry, sunglasses, a hat, and an outfit you'd like to get photographed if we have time. Bring a portable bag so you can carry what you need for a few hours.
* Designers - don't forget to bring safety pins, straight pins, bobby pins, needles & thread of neutral colors, accessories for outfits, clothing rack is helpful
This shoot is an opportunity for NEW talent to JOIN the ongoing project and for project members to reappear and continue growth with new talent involved.
Following this shoot will be planning for a 2010 Holiday Fashion Show for the project to be held early October. That means all talent involved in the project has yet another fashion show this year.
Plans into 2011 include creation of a calendar and possibly online magazine reviewing the emergence and growth of designers as they have come through the project over the past five years.
Stephen Boyle - Fuzzytek Photography @ 248-632-6156
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