Sunday, February 13, 2011

Project Production Meeting

A production meeting will be held Tuesday, February 22 from 6-9pm at Red Door Gallery. The purpose of the meeting is to familiarize persons interested in serving on the advisory board and production staff with the project, operating guidelines, and goals.

If you are interested in being considered for the advisory board please send an email to with the subject ADVISORY BOARD PETITION. The email should contain the following:

  • Photoshoot dates for the project that you have participated on and in what role - designer, model, photographer, makeup artist, etc
  • A paragraph stating what you got from the project as a participant.
  • A paragraph or two indicating potential direction and deliverables you would like to see for the project.
  • Contact information - email, phone, profile links
  • Do you have website development / design and/or publishing skills?
The next shoot is 68 days from today! Please tell people to use your name when they fill out their registration information and make their entrance fee payment.
  • Existing project members make 25% ($25)
  • Newly registering members bringing another new member make 10% ($10)

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Project Partners Program

It has come to our attention over and over that newly arriving talent loves the project and are looking for a way to support it. Thank you for your love and interest!

Project Partners Program

Today we roll out a new program for newly registering project members and for the public as well! Here are the guidelines:

  • Must be registered on Facebook and "like" the official project page. You'll then get notices of events and activities post through the page.
  • Must fill out the Project Partners Program form (below).
  • This program is open to the public at this time. A 30 day notice blog post will be made if the program is being suspended or terminated.

Reward As Cash Value

  • When a newly registered project member excluding yourself, lists you as a referral name you will receive 10% of the project entrance fee collected. This offer is good for non-participating public. There must be a match between the information filled out on the form below and the registration form filled out by the project participant listing you as the referring source.