Polls have been added to the official website to select the date for the next two photoshoots. Votes will be tallied on May 15, setting the dates. Please visit the website and make selections on the top right of the sidebar you'll find the polls.
Summer 2011
- Sunday, July 10 - after 4th of July weekend
- Sunday, July 17
Fall 2011
- Sunday, August 28 - before Labor Day weekend
- Sunday, September 18 - after Patriot Day on 9-11-2011 which will no doubt have events
Please vote soon and encourage others interested in the project to make a vote as well. The entry forms for the upcoming shoots will be setup in the next couple days and an announcement will come through the blog. Referral rewards programs are anticipated to continue through both shoots for 2011 - recruit your community and make some money!