Click the flyer to see the event posting on Myspace.
Please call 248-632-6156 to get involved on the shoot. This will be one of the most exciting locations we've used yet. Check out the video below...
The mystique of Detroit is how abandoned our city appears for a place with so many creative people. Our streets are empty mid-day. Our suburbs have attractions that rival downtown. We have SUBurban sprawl. The creativity of our youth in the city screams to be heard.
The Abandoned In Detroit project is a fashion showcase for designers and related talent. Inspire people to see what Detroit creates!
Please call 248-632-6156 to get involved on the shoot. This will be one of the most exciting locations we've used yet. Check out the video below...
The Abandoned In Detroit story is submitted to JPG Magazine for Issue 12, which has a Fashion theme. The key photo for the story has been gathering votes. The story however could definitely use more support in the form of votes.
One of the other themes is Creative License. The magazine is making it pretty simple for designers to get into the swing of writing a story submission so it gets into the magazine. They wrote a blog post that offers a simple template for submitting your story for publication.
This is an IDEAL opportunity for Abandoned In Detroit to take a very noticeable position of publicity through getting MULTIPLE stories and photos published. So I'm appealing to the designers out there to go through the story submission process and post a few supporting photos. Check out the blog posting - it poses 7 easy questions as a template. Just fill it out, put up a photo in the Creative License theme and do it quickly. August 1 is the deadline for photos and stories to go into Issue 12.
My photos from Fashion In The Streets 2 can be found on my website. You'll find three galleries to check out...