The Abandoned In Detroit (AID) website is alive. It is pretty basic. This blog can be found as the link under the e-flyer. Feel free to share the e-flyer. The address of the e-flyer is, as shown below:
If you are interested send an email to As the flyer states: looking for designer clothing to feature, models, makeup, hair, stylists, photographers.
I wish I found my DreamWeaver CD, but alas it is hiding someplace in the house. So for the time being I'm hand writing code. Next step is utilizing code from templates... there are too many ways to create websites these days. My background with the internet since 1994 comes in handy sometimes.
New models and designers are welcome in the shoot. This is an evolving project. If you are looking for a showcase this is a great urban project to hook-up with.
Intent of the shoot
Showcase Detroit designers in a Detroit setting. Assemble the photos from multiple photographers, designers, settings of the shoot into an art exhibit. The shoot is going to be a recurring event and the photos from it become a recurring exhibition. A desired outcome from Abandoned In Detroit is to showcase Detroit designers in galleries around the US. In conjunction with the photo art exhibit, a runway show could be scheduled bringing featured Detroit designers for a runway show at the gallery exhibiting the photos.
Detroit charity
A portion of proceeds from AID will benefit Detroit charities. I'm interested in focusing on the teen-age suicide rate in Detroit being the highest in the US. Persons interested in assisting create this contribution contact me or email
Abandoned In Detroit is about Detroit and dedicated to bringing Detroit up as a fashion capitol of the US. This city is a major exporter of lifestyle to the world. Celebrate being from Detroit.